Texas State University San Marcos Graduation Photo

As the final chords of Pomp and Circumstance play and the tassels are ceremoniously flipped, the capstone moment of one's academic journey commences - graduation. It's a culmination of years of hard work, late-night study sessions, and countless memories made. And what better way to immortalize this significant milestone than with a graduation photoshoot?

Graduation isn't just about the individual achievements of the graduate. From parents who provided endless encouragement to siblings and spouse who offered moral support, each family member plays a vital role in the graduate's journey. Including family members in the photoshoot is a wonderful way to celebrate this shared success and acknowledge the contributions of each person involved.

These are some of the locations during our photoshoot at Texas State University, San Marcos:

McCoy College of Business, The Arch, Alkek Library Stairs, The Stallions and The Bobcat